
Prof. Dr. K.M.H.S Sirajul Haque




কার্ডিওলজি, হাইপারটেনশন, রিউম্যাটিক ফিভার এবং মেডিসিন বিশেষজ্ঞ | Cardiology, Hypertension, Rheumatic Fever & Medicine Specialist

Current WorkPlace / বর্তমান কর্মস্থল

  • Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital
  • House # 17, Road # 08, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka – 1205
Designation: Professor & Head

Department Name: Cardiology

সাক্ষাতের জন্য যোগাযোগ/Contact No: +88029670295, +88029661213

চেম্বার -১

  • Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital
  • House # 17, Road # 08, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka – 1205
Visiting Hour: 10am to 2pm (Closed: Friday) Appointment: +88029670295

 More detailed profile of Prof. Dr. K.M.H.S Sirajul Haque:

Prof. Dr. K.M.H.S Sirajul Haque is a luminary in the field of cardiology, having dedicated over three decades to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. He currently serves as a Professor and Head of the Cardiology Department at Anwer Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital, where his expertise spans a wide spectrum of cardiac conditions, including:

  • Coronary artery disease: Prof. Dr. Haque is a renowned expert in the diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. He utilizes his extensive knowledge and experience to effectively manage this complex condition, utilizing both medical and interventional approaches.

  • Hypertension: Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Prof. Dr. Haque possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies of hypertension and is adept at implementing effective treatment strategies to lower blood pressure and prevent complications.

  • Rheumatic fever: Rheumatic fever is a potentially life-threatening condition that can lead to cardiac valve damage. Prof. Dr. Haque has extensive experience in managing rheumatic fever, implementing preventive measures and providing comprehensive treatment plans to protect patients from its devastating consequences.

  • Medicine: Prof. Dr. Haque’s expertise extends beyond cardiology to encompass a broader understanding of internal medicine. This comprehensive knowledge allows him to approach patients with a holistic perspective, considering all aspects of their health and providing integrated care.

Beyond his clinical expertise, Prof. Dr. Haque is a dedicated educator and researcher. He has played a pivotal role in training generations of cardiologists in Bangladesh, imparting his knowledge and passion for the field to aspiring physicians. His research contributions have significantly advanced the understanding and management of cardiovascular diseases, leading to improved patient outcomes.

Prof. Dr. Haque’s unwavering commitment to patient care is evident in his dedication to providing accessible and compassionate medical services. He regularly consults at his private practice located at House # 17, Road # 08, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka – 1205. Patients seeking his expertise can schedule appointments by calling +88029670295.

Throughout his illustrious career, Prof. Dr. K.M.H.S Sirajul Haque has made indelible contributions to the field of cardiology in Bangladesh. His exceptional expertise, dedication to patient care, and passion for teaching and research have transformed the lives of countless individuals and propelled the advancement of cardiovascular medicine in the country. His legacy continues to inspire and guide the next generation of cardiologists, ensuring the continued success of this vital medical specialty.

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