Dr. Mohammad Serajus Saleheen
Current WorkPlace / বর্তমান কর্মস্থল
- ন্যাশনাল ইনস্টিটিউট অফ ক্যান্সার রিসার্চ অ্যান্ড হাসপাতাল
- TB Gate, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Department Name: Ortho Oncology
চেম্বার -১
- Aalok Healthcare & Hospital, Mirpur 10
- House # 1 & 3 , Road # 2, Block # B, Mirpur 10, Dhaka
যোগাযোগঃ +8801915448491
চেম্বার -২
- আলোক হেলথ কেয়ার, মিরপুর -১
- 21 Darus Salam Road, Mirpur 1, Dhaka
অ্যাপয়েন্টমেন্ট: +8801915448500
চেম্বার -২
- ল্যাবেইড ক্যান্সার হাসপাতাল ও সুপার স্পেশালিটি সেন্টার
- 26, Green Road, Dhaka
যোগাযোগ : +8809666710001
More comprehensive information about Dr. Mohammad Serajus Saleheen:
Dr. Mohammad Serajus Saleheen is an Orthopedic Oncosurgeon with a Fellowship Training in Oncology & Arthroplasty (England, UK). He is an Assistant Professor (Ortho Oncology) at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital, and also has chambers at Aalok Hospital Mirpur and Labaid Cancer Hospital & Super Speciality Center.
Dr. Saleheen received his MBBS degree from the Bangladesh Medical College in 2010 and his MS degree in Orthopedics from the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital in 2016. He then completed a fellowship in Oncology & Arthroplasty at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, UK in 2018.
Dr. Saleheen is a skilled and experienced orthopedic oncosurgeon who specializes in the multidisciplinary management of bone and soft tissue tumors. He uses a variety of treatment modalities, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, to provide his patients with the best possible care. He is also an active researcher and has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Dr. Saleheen is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS) and a member of the Bangladesh Orthopedic Association and the Bangladesh Cancer Society. He is a regular speaker at national and international conferences on orthopedic oncology.
Dr. Saleheen is a dedicated and compassionate physician who is committed to providing his patients with the best possible care. He is always available to answer his patients’ questions and concerns, and he takes the time to explain their treatment options in a clear and concise manner.
Dr. Saleheen is also a skilled teacher and mentor. He is passionate about training the next generation of orthopedic oncosurgeons, and he regularly teaches at the National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital and other medical schools in Bangladesh.
Dr. Saleheen is a valuable asset to the field of orthopedic oncology. He is a skilled and experienced surgeon, a dedicated physician, and a passionate educator. He is committed to providing his patients with the best possible care, and he is always looking for new ways to improve the treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors.
Here are some other things to know about Dr. Saleheen:
- He is a member of the International Society for Limb Salvage (ISOLS), a prestigious international organization of orthopedic oncosurgeons.
- He is a regular reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals on orthopedic oncology.
- He is a recipient of the Young Investigator Award from the Bangladesh Orthopedic Association.
- He is a passionate advocate for cancer patients, and he is committed to raising awareness of bone and soft tissue tumors.